Posts tagged Mental Health
How do I deal with bedtime procrastination? I make myself stay up because it feels like the only “me time” that I get.
How do I let go of things from the past?
I feel like I'm in a huge rut. How can I start to feel like myself again?
My boss is dismissive about my mental health triggers. What should I do?
How do I stop feeling like a background character in my life?
What should I do if I feel hopeless about my life?
I feel like social media has made me less empathetic and patient with people in real life. How can I rebuild that compassion?
Can naming your emotions help you manage whatever it is you're experiencing?
What are some ways I can manage my stress better?
What are some tips to help with regulating stress because of school?
I just don't really like myself. What are some things I can do to feel better about who I am and the things I do?
What actually makes someone a narcissist? Do you think we use the word too much now?
Is it normal to feel bad about feeling better?
How do you learn to love yourself?
What’re some tools for dealing with burnout?
I can’t cry even when I’m upset. Is this normal?
I feel like I’m so behind in life. How can I stop comparing myself to other people?
How do you deal with imposter syndrome?
I catch myself constantly just staring at my phone. I know it's not making me happy, but I don't know how to break the habit. Is there anything you'd recommend to break out of the scrolling cycle?
I'm in a lot of debt right now and, even though I'm taking the steps to get out of it, I feel like it's a constant weight on my mental health. What are some steps I can take to get it off my mind?