What are some tips to help with regulating stress because of school?
School can be incredibly stressful. No matter what grade you are in, it is likely that you have experienced some sort of school related stress. Remember, this is completely normal! School can have a multitude of stressors whether it is academic or peer related. These things can impact your functioning and overall mood on a daily basis.
One thing you can do to help alleviate stress related to school work is talk to your teacher(s). They are there to help and support you, so reach out to them if you need added support or additional help with assignments or other classwork. Another thing you can do is ask for support from the school counselor or mental health professional on campus. These individuals are trained to support you with things ranging from academic concerns to personal/social issues. A third thing you can do is make a list. Go through all of your classes and write down what assignments you need to complete and when they are due and slowly start to work through that list. This helps give you a visual of what needs to be completed and will allow you to stay organized. Lastly, self care! Self care is essential when trying to alleviate stress, especially school stress. When you get home from school, try to do one self care activity before you start working on any homework or school related assignments. A self care activity could be watching your favorite tv show, eating a yummy snack, spending time with a pet, or meditation/relaxation.
School stress is completely normal, and you are not alone in this experience. It can be assumed that your friends or family members have experienced school stress at some point in their life, so talk to them and ask them about their experiences. I am sure they will have some tips on how to deal with it, and it will remind you that you are not alone in this!
Taylor Gaffney