How do I let go of things from the past?
(Suzy Hazelwood / Unsplash)
When we're affected by things in the past, sometimes that can mean that there is an aspect of our past that's unresolved. And so it can be important when you feel triggered, when you feel attached to or connected to something from the past, to ask yourself some questions about what it still means to you.
Maybe there are things that you haven't felt yet — like anger or sadness or grief. Or maybe there's a conversation that needs to happen with a person or with yourself. When something keeps showing up, it means that it's still waiting for you to pay attention to it.
Rather than be driven by it, maybe you can get in front of it and try to take control of it. And the way that you do that is to get curious and say, what is this about? Why is it that every time I'm in connection with this person, I get triggered? Why is it that every time I go into a car, I get triggered? Why is it that every time I have to take a test, I get triggered? It's important to sort of get curious and with compassion, try to understand why it's still here, rather than try to let it go.
Aimee Falchuk