Why do I feel like I’m never going to be okay?
(Parsa Mahmoudi / Unsplash)
See if you can figure out what thought patterns are making you feel this way. If you can explore the narrative, perhaps you can identify where that belief system came from, identify the flaws and distortion in your thought process and find a way to reframe the narrative so that you can be a friend to yourself instead of a critic. Ask someone who loves you what qualities they see in you that they like best and reassure yourself with their loving words. When you remind yourself that we’re all okay, including you, not only will you feel better but it will be true. Also, it sounds like you’re scaring yourself about the future. If you focus on the present and just take one day at a time, feeling better today will help you create even a better tomorrow, because when you’re okay, it’s okay.
Dr. Lynn Ianni