What’re some tools for dealing with burnout?
(meriç tuna/ Unsplash)
When managing burnout, it’s important to identify the root of your burnout. For many, having loose boundaries is the core issue; burnout often begins when an individual begins to neglect their needs. Individuals may feel it is selfish to prioritize their own needs and care; however, you cannot be present for your loved ones and friends if you are not being filled yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup! In fact, individuals will often begin to feel a lack of compassion for others when they begin to get burnt out. It is a sign that you do not have the capacity to pour into someone else. It is important that we honor our own bodies and minds and set boundaries to prevent and heal from burnout.
In addition, remember what makes you feel alive, what makes you happy! Burnout often leaves people feeling unmotivated and uninterested. Remind yourself of your why and get inspired again. Make sure to also carve out some time for yourself to participate in an activity and/or hobby that you previously enjoyed. It can be as simple as doing a puzzle, baking, or taking a walk. If you’re not sure what the exact cause of burnout is, think about what drains your energy. Reflect on a time when you were not burnt out and see what the differences are between the two situations.
Kathryn Lee