We Need Some Good News In Our Life, Here's Where to Find It



Whatever way you’re consuming the news right now, it probably feels like you’re in short supply of positive things happening in the world and an overload of COVID-19 content weighing us down. If you’re feeling like we are, you keep scrolling through Instagram, hoping to find something that is uplifting. 

Here’s some good news right off the bat: surprisingly, there’s a lot of heartwarming and positive news in the world, even if it doesn’t feel that way. You just need to know where to look. 

So, to make your life a little easier, we’ve made a list of a few Instagram accounts that are putting out helpful and uplifting messages, on a regular basis.  

Good News Movement 

Good News Movement is a journalist-run page that is strictly good news, nothing controversial or debatable included. They post all of the current events surrounding random acts of kindness, helpers in the world, and a whole lot of good news — most of it surrounding Coronavirus right now. BONUS: They have all the captions in both Spanish and English. 

Good Good Good

This account is a newspaper (both physically printed and online). Their goal is to put out all of the hopeful news that’s happening in the world. Just by following the page, you’ll get an overload of that hopefulness too. (Right now, they’re sending out a free physical print of their newspaper for people. It may be helpful to have that positivity in-hand.) 

MNDFL Meditation 

MNDFL is a New York-based meditation studio, but their Instagram is full of content that actually makes you feel calmed — just from scrolling. Right now, they’re also doing live guided meditations throughout the day that you can hop onto when you need to de-stress. 

Crisis Text Line

We’re always going to refer you to the Crisis Text Line whenever you need some help — whether you consider yourself to be in a crisis or not. You can always text IDM to 741741 to connect to a trained Crisis Counselor 24/7. But outside of them being a great 24/7 support service, a lot of what they post serves as a gentle reminder to all of us that whatever you’re feeling — even more so now — is completely valid. Sometimes, we all need that positive reminder. 


Upworthy has been around for eight years now, and they are constantly reminding us about all of the good in humanity. It’s a compilation of all the amazing ways that people are there for one another. Their entire page is a huge nudge for all of us to act out of kindness, just like the people they post about.