I try, I try, I try
By Justine Grove
(Guillaume Techer / Unsplash)
“Don’t Move too fast just go slow”
You know that’s now how this heart works
I know I may come off so cold
But inside I’m warmer than most
Scars are still scars no matter what you do
And before these were scars
They were broken wounds
And I’ve been healing since I was 9
So this takes time
Know I try
I try, I try, I try
And this all can fall apart
If you try to change my heart
Can you give me a sec please
Don’t do this to me
Why do you go out of your way
To make me feel lower
Lower than I am to be?
Then you talk about empathy
Oh the hypocrisy
How could you just stand there now
Jabbing and jabbing out?
Your words are like daggers
Yeah I might be sensitive
But you just don’t get it
You never seen the things I’ve seen
You never felt the pain in me
Why don’t you know I try?
I try, I try, I try
And this all can fall apart
If you try to change my heart
Your words are so loud
I don’t know what to do
I try to defend, but there’s no use
Why don’t you know that
I try, I try, I try
You can’t keep me under
This feels like thunder
The words you told me
I start to wonder
Just may oh maybe
I am just crazy
What am I doing?
Why am I feeling this way?
Don’t keep me under
This feels like thunder
The words you told me
I start to wonder
Just may oh maybe
I am just crazy
What am I doing?
Oh you know that I try
I try
And this all can fall apart
If you try to change my heart
I’m left here all black and blue
No one can see what their words do
To me, don’t you know that
I try, I try, I try
This piece was written and shared during the IDONTMIND Writing Workshop. Learn more about our free, nine-week course and be the first to know about the next workshop here. Visit Mental Health Connecticut’s YouTube channel for a lyric video version of Justine’s story.
Justine Grove is a singer-songwriter, but above all an artist with a voice that is unique and a vision that is unwavering. With vast influences of soul, R&B, rock and folk she melds these sounds into a total breath of fresh air to the current musical landscape.