How do you know if you have anxiety or if it’s just stress?
(Tim Gouw / Unsplash)
While they can feel the same, stress and anxiety are different, and the difference can be helpful in finding ways to manage them. Stress is something we often experience as a result of something coming at us from the outside. External stressors — as they are referred to — can be things like expectations from our peers or our family, financial burdens, school and social stressors, care-taking responsibilities, illness etc.
It is very common to feel overwhelmed by these external stressors, especially if we feel like we don’t have a good handle on them or may be afraid to ask for help or don’t practice good self-care.
While stress is often brought on by outside forces, anxiety originates internally. Anxiety can actually be a response to stress but the symptoms of anxiety often remain even when the external stressor is no longer there. Anxiety is best described as persistent and excessive worry. If it had a phrase playing itself over and over again it might be something like “I am not okay” or “I am not safe.” It's like our nervous system is stuck on “danger.”
My clients have explained it as a general feeling of unease. Some experience it as hyper-vigilance or sensitivity, constant thinking and worry about everything, especially things that they don’t have control over. Some experience it more in their bodies and report feeling tense or tight in their muscles, a shallow breath or even shortness of breath, sweating, restlessness and dizziness at times. Some even experience it as panic at times.
Neither stress nor anxiety feels good, so it’s important to take good care of yourself — this includes sleep, exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and staying hydrated. Different techniques like breathing exercises, meditation and just getting down on the floor and feeling the support of the ground can be really helpful. Stress and anxiety can sometimes leave us feeling like we are all alone in it so it can be helpful and even necessary to seek help and support from others.
Aimee Falchuk