As a BIPOC person, I often feel the need to code-switch in professional and academic settings. It's exhausting. How can I stay true to myself while navigating these spaces?
(Jeffery Erhunse / Unsplash)
This is such a valid feeling and I can honestly say that I often have felt the same way. I think it is important to remember that there is no one specific way to “sound professional”, but I understand the pressure to conform to the corporate or academic norm of what others THINK you should sound like in order to be respected and taken seriously. It can feel like constantly putting on a mask and being inauthentic and that is exhausting for anyone. What I try to remember is that I AM a professional and as long as I am respectful, knowledgeable about my chosen field, and I am able to clearly and accurately convey what I need to, that is ultimately what matters. You should not have to constantly change who you are to fit someone else’s mold or perception of professionalism. That’s their own bias and that’s work they need to do for themselves.