8 Reasons Why Mental Health Month Is So Important
MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH, AND IT’S the perfect time to turn awareness into action
By Kristina Benoist
Getting to celebrate a full month focused on mental health is something we look forward to every year, but this year feels a little different. Okay, a lot different. It may feel odd to think about “celebrating” right now with everything that’s going on in the world. But it’s more important than ever to focus on our mental health.
As the number of COVID-19 cases has gone up, there’s also been an increase in anxiety. Everyone’s lives have been impacted by the changes. No matter if you’re disappointed by canceled plans or have a loved one who has gotten sick, this pandemic has affected all of us. It’s as good a time as any to remind ourselves to take care of our minds.
Even though things feel hard right now, it’s good for us to focus on the positive. Let’s make the most out of this year’s Mental Health Month — here are just a few reasons why this May is the perfect moment to do it.
It’s a great excuse to talk about mental health
We know how tough conversations about mental health can be, especially when you aren’t used to talking about it. But in May, people are already having conversations about it and have it on their mind. This month is your chance to take full advantage of the ongoing discussions and to start talking about your mental health.
It’s a reminder to prioritize your mind
Throughout the month, there are going to be reminders all around you that tell you that taking care of your mental health is important. Maybe you’ve never felt full-blown symptoms of anxiety or depression. But that doesn’t mean that your mental health shouldn’t be prioritized. Mental health is health. If you’ve been waiting for something to push you in the right direction, this is it! Put your mental health on the top of your priority list this month. After a few weeks of prioritizing your mind in small ways every day, it will become more ingrained into your routine.
It’s an opportunity to take a mental health screen
We’re huge fans of Mental Health America’s online screening tool. It’s totally free, confidential, and easy. Whether this is your first time taking a screen or you’ve taken one a hundred times, it’s always a helpful way to check-in with your mental health. And it only takes a few minutes. MHA has a goal to hit a million screenings throughout the month. Be a part of the #millioninmay campaign and take a screen!
It’s the best time to face any new struggles
It’s no secret that all of us are experiencing something incredibly difficult right now. All of those hidden aspects of your mental health — that maybe you’ve never addressed before — could be front and center in your life. This year’s Mental Health Month is coming at the perfect time- it’s a gentle nudge from the universe that we can’t just push those new struggles under the rug.
It’s a way to reflect on how far we’ve come
MHA started May is Mental Health Month over 70 years ago, and has continued to observe it every year since. There have been a whole lot of changes in the mental health world since 1949, and this month is an important time to recognize how huge those changes have been in all of our lives. We have easier access to therapy, we can find resources and treatment options in so many different places, and mental health is discussed more openly. Now, more than ever, we’re all recognizing that mental health is something everyone should care about – and that’s something to celebrate.
It’s the perfect moment to go from awareness to action
With awareness, we defeat stigma. We’ve always known that to be true, and we’ll never stop challenging that. But this Mental Health Month, we’re going to ask you to take it a step further. Take that awareness and put some action behind it:
It’s the best time to support IDONTMIND
Every time you say IDONTMIND — either with the clothes you wear or the things you say — you’re a part of something incredibly important. What may feel like just a t-shirt or a post on Instagram is actually a reminder to yourself that your mind matters. It’s telling the world that you don’t mind talking about your mental health. It’s fighting stigma and raising money for an important cause. Mental Health Month, more than any other time, helps put that into perspective. Here’s how you can help support us this month (and the rest of the year).
Mental Health Month gives you the chance to think of the positive changes you can make in the future, and that’s always going to be an ongoing process. But take a minute to recognize the steps you’ve already taken. You should be incredibly proud of the things you’re doing right now to better your mental health. All of those steps, big or small, are worth celebrating. Just know that we’re cheering you on and supporting you!