7 Feel-Good Videos We Need In Our Lives


Amir Ghoorchiani / Pexels

Amir Ghoorchiani / Pexels

No matter who you are, you know the feeling of those terrible days that you just can’t avoid. On those days, it seems like there’s absolutely nothing that can make you feel better. All you can do is scroll through your phone just hoping to stumble on something that will turn your day around. And sometimes the only thing that helps is turning on a weird, hilarious, clever, motivating video on YouTube to feel a little less weighed down by things. 

Well, we’ve saved you some time scrolling by putting together YouTube videos that can universally make those bad days better – no matter what you’re struggling with. All you have to do is press play.

If you need help getting out of bed

When getting out of bed seems like the hardest thing in the world, watch this. After watching these kids, you may start to feel just as ready for your day as they are. If nothing else, it puts a nice mantra in your head: you can do anything. Say that a few times to yourself, and getting out of bed may feel a tiny bit easier. 


If you’re stressed

If you’ve never heard of it, ASMR (or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) is the sensation you feel when someone whispers in your ear or brushes your arm. The science behind ASMR still isn’t totally understood, but research shows that people are left feeling happier and more relaxed after experiencing ASMR. All we know is that listening to Bob Ross’ soothing voice and his paintbrush move across a canvas is one of the most relaxing things for a stressful day. 


If you’re fighting self-doubt

Mister Rogers has made a resurgence in the last few years, and everything he says continues to be so relevant. He always serves as a great reminder that you’re perfect just the way you are. At any age, you sometimes need that reminder.


If you’re feeling lonely

This video is just so simple. You watch strangers look into each other’s eyes for four minutes. But there’s something so beautiful about it. When you’re feeling alone, this video is a great reminder that connecting with people can be so easy – even when it feels incredibly difficult. 


If you’re feeling anxious

When you’re struggling with anxiety, the last thing that you feel ready to do is laugh about it. But sometimes that’s what you have to do. This is the perfect video to A) distract your brain and B) help you find a little light and humor in a situation that feels isolating and hopeless. 


If you can’t sleep

We’re huge fans of the Calm meditation app. Luckily, they post some of their content on Youtube for free – no subscription needed! One of the best parts about Calm is their sleep stories. On those nights where you’re lying awake just staring at the ceiling, try this video. It does an amazing job of guiding you to ZZZs.


If you can’t focus

Okay, we know that this seems like the opposite of what you should do if you can’t focus, but one study actually found that watching baby animals improves your focus and concentration. And as an added bonus, it actually makes you friendlier too. We should also mention, Star Wars fan or not, Baby Yoda may be the cutest thing out there – maybe even cuter than real animals. So if you’re stuck with a big project at work or finding it hard adjusting to work-from-home life, pause the work and hit play.