I've forgotten my antidepressants a few times, and I immediately start to spiral without the help of medication. What are some things I can tell myself in those moments to feel better?
(Jonathan Singer / Unsplash)
We are human, and a part of being human is making mistakes. Forgetting to take your medication does not define you, your worth, and/or your capabilities. Here are some things you can tell yourself in those moments when you feel that you’re “broken” and that something is “wrong with me.” Consider writing these down, or if you’re up for it even try saying these things out loud to yourself!
I am not defined by a single moment.
I am not broken. I am whole.
This is temporary; it will pass.
I am worthy of grace and compassion especially in moments when I don’t feel like I am.
I am loved.
I am enough, just as I am.
I am more than my mental illness, and my highs and my lows.
Kathryn Lee