"What's one thing you wish someone had told you about mental health?"


(Alejandro Barba / Unsplash)

(Alejandro Barba / Unsplash)

Mental health is a constant learning process — and sometimes we have to learn things the hard way. These are valuable lessons that guide the rest of our lives.⁣

Even though each of our experiences are completely unique, there’s so much we can learn from each other. ⁣

We asked our Instagram community: What’s something that you wish someone had told you about mental health? If you’re working on your mental health, here are the lessons that helped the IDONTMIND community on their own journeys.

We hope these tips can help you too.

It’s going to get really bad, and that’s ok. But every time you feel your anxiety creeping in, you’re going to learn a little bit more about yourself every time.
— @danni_miz

“Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Especially since mental and physical are intertwined.” — @mister_joffrey

“Sometimes your sadness and sorrow come out of you in the form of anger. And that's natural.” — @arrowverse_rules

“You’re not seeking attention or overreacting. Your struggle is valid, and if you need to talk, you should. You deserve to be heard.” — @philokws_

“Healing can be very difficult, and there may be some setbacks, but those setbacks don’t define you or your ability to push through it!” — @figuring.ph.out

It’s okay as a man to be open to talking more about it and not just ignore it or push it away. It’s okay to seek counseling if you need help.
— @cjrunemdown

“Go to therapy even when you don’t think you need it. Even a weekly check-in with a therapist can be extremely helpful!” — @isabelsara18

“Your worth is not defined by how functional you are.” — @talesofamelia

“Solutions aren’t one size fits all, and you shouldn’t feel awful if one of them doesn’t work for you. Meditation works for some and doesn’t for others.” — @sister_hungary

Sometimes you’re going to relearn hard lessons you thought you already knew.
— @aanaxjohnson

“Mental illness in many cases is chronic and not something you can ‘cure.’ It requires ongoing management and a coping skill set at a minimum.” — @itspriscillamaria

“Healing isn’t like a light switch. It doesn’t just happen with immediate results. It’s a slow process that takes time and effort.” — @lily.diebold

“You deserve to experience happiness just like everyone else. The monsters are in your head. They aren’t who you are.” — @aboutrachel_hedman

Some days are good, and some are bad. There is no eternal state of a healthy mind. The body can get sick, but it can also get better. The mind can do the same.
— @princeton.hart