How To Find Calm In The Chaos Of The Election
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Okay, 2020 as a whole has felt pretty chaotic. Now, you’re watching the end of this overwhelming election season unfold. There’s a heightened sense of dread, anxiety, and stress in the air, and it feels like there’s nothing you can do about it.
First, know that you are not alone if you’re feeling like this. So many of us are wrestling with these emotions and trying to process everything. When it feels like so much is out of your control, it’s helpful to focus on things that can bring calm back into our lives. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
1. Step away from the news
Seriously. Put your phone down, turn off the TV, close your laptop and step away. Being informed is incredibly important right now, and things change at a moment’s notice in this political climate. But it’s emotionally draining to be constantly plugged into the news and social media. Make a rule for yourself on how much time you spend looking through political information on your phone, or set a certain amount of time where you can watch the news each day. You can set some boundaries while still being informed.
2. Don’t shy away from your emotions
There’s a point where just tuning out your feelings and distracting yourself is not going to be enough. We have to face the facts head-on at some point, and something like an election can’t just be brushed off by saying “that’s 2020.” We have to process our thoughts and emotions. It’s okay if you need to have a good cry, yell at the TV, or just allow yourself to feel sad for a while.
3. Surround yourself with positivity
There’s a lot that can make us feel hopeless and helpless. But there’s also a lot in this world that can make us feel positive, empowered, and grateful. Try and find one thing to smile about each day, go outside for a walk and breathe some fresh air, spend some time (in-person or virtually) with people that support and love you. When things feel dark, we have to do our best to find positivity in small ways.
4. Process your thoughts
In a time where chaos is swirling around you, it’s easy to let your mind wander to worst-case scenarios and spiral out of control. After that, how do you even slow your mind down and get back to a good place? Start writing. Pick up a pen, type it out, text it, just break the cycle by getting these thoughts out of your head. You’ll probably feel better afterwards.
5. Schedule some self-care
It can feel like there’s so much to do in our world right now and not enough time to do it. But you can’t take care of anything if you aren’t taking care of yourself. That means scheduling some rest and recharge time. Schedule self-care like you would a meeting or an appointment. Sometimes, when we lose hope or feel overwhelmed about the future, our personal care feels pointless. Don’t give up on yourself — especially when the outside world is feeling out of control.
6. Be a part of positive change
What happens when the outcome feels completely out of our control? What if all the work leading up to the election leads to an outcome that isn’t what you were hoping for? Those questions lead to some paralyzing fear. Yes, you can’t control everything. Yes, things may not go the way that you hope. So, take control of what you can: Sign a few petitions, educate yourself on a new topic, volunteer with a non-profit you believe in, or protest political decisions you disagree with. It’s okay if you don’t feel up for taking action in huge ways, any small positive action you take is enough.
Above all, your mental health needs to be your first priority. If you’re in a crisis and need someone to talk to, especially over the next few weeks, text IDM to 741741 to reach a trained Crisis Counselor at Crisis Text Line.