Your mind matters.
Talk about it.

IDONTMIND is a mental health nonprofit with a mission to inspire open conversations about mental health. Simply put – we want to make talking about mental health a normal part of every day life, giving people the confidence to ask for help when they need it. Join our campaign and say IDONTMIND talking about my mental health.



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Your questions about mental health, answered by real therapists

+ What’s the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack?

Panic attacks involve intense and overwhelming fear, can happen unexpectedly and are accompanied by physical symptoms. They usually occur because of an external stressor but the specific cause may not be obvious. Anxiety attacks include gradually increasing symptoms of distress, worry, and fear which usually result from the anticipation of a stressful situation, experience, or event. Although both panic and anxiety attacks feel awful, it helps to remember they are not physically harmful and there are lots of great breathing and relaxation techniques that can help you feel safe and calm quite quickly.

Dr. Lynn Ianni

+ Is it possible to overcome depression? Or how do you learn to manage how to live with it?

Some people only experience depression once in their life and it never comes back. For others, it’s something that can stay around for their whole life. Either way, learning to manage depression is totally possible. Even though depression sucks, living with depression doesn’t mean your life has to suck.

Theresa Nguyen

+ I feel like I’m drowning and need to get something off my chest, what do I do?

Talk to someone! Anyone. And if you can’t talk to someone, write it down without censoring. Telling your deepest truth to yourself and anyone else you choose to share it with can help to remind you that your feelings are OK and so are you.

Dr. Lynn Ianni

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