The reality of bed rot


By Dineka Ringling

Search “bed rotting” on TikTok and you’ll get thousands of videos arguing for or against the latest viral trend. It’s relatively easy to find videos created by medical professionals that say bed rotting is dangerous or deadly. Still, it’s just as easy to find videos created by medical professionals touting the benefits of laying in bed all day. 

What exactly is ‘bed rotting’? It sounds like something that would accompany bed sores – and I suppose it could if you rotted for long enough. Bed rotting is the act of purposely staying in bed all day and doing whatever you want, from watching TV to scrolling social media to eating or napping. It’s a phenomenon that stems from another popular TikTok trend known as ‘soft living’, a way of life that puts relaxation and mental well-being at the forefront of your priorities. It’s been touted by some as a way to unplug from toxic productivity and take back a bit of time for you, but others are turned off by the idea altogether. 

So what’re your thoughts on bed rotting? Here are some of the benefits and risks associated with this new trend.

Benefits Of Bed Rotting

Taking time to rest and unwind is a key part of maintaining your mental and physical health, so some bed rotting can be a good thing! Bed rotting can be a great way to spend a mental health day and ensures you get time to rest where you can be the ‘laziest’ or most unproductive version of yourself and not worry about other people’s expectations or judgments. Our society tends to glorify ‘hustle culture’ and make it seem admirable to spend every waking minute working, but humans are simply not meant to work constantly. We aren’t machines or ‘worker bees’, we are large mammals who need a lot of rest to keep our bodies going. Embracing bed rotting is a way that some people are shirking the notion of toxic productivity and reminding themselves that we all desperately need rest. 

Problems Associated With Bed Rotting

Excessive bed rotting can be a bit concerning, especially considering how hard it is to live an active lifestyle from bed. Also, spending excessive time sleeping or in bed can be a symptom of depression or other bigger underlying issues and can be a good sign to reach out to a mental health professional. Aside from the mental health issues, there are a couple of physical ailments to look out for as well. 

Bed Sores and Blood Clots

While you would have to lay in bed for a long time to get bed sores, it’s definitely still a possibility. Bed sores are skin ulcers that develop when you’re immobile in bed for extended periods of time. They can be painful and hard to treat, so make sure you’re still taking your ‘hot girl walks’ around the neighborhood every once in a while. Similarly, being immobile for too long can increase your chances of developing blood clots, which can be dangerous or deadly. If you’re worried about the potential health impacts of bed rotting, you could try some exercises from bed (another popular TikTok trend).  

Should You Try It?

Maybe you already bed rot all the time and never knew the name for it. Or maybe you’re chronically overworking yourself and could use some time to stew in bed for a minute. However you fall on the issue, it’s important to not take this trend too far. Rest days are great for your mental and physical health but it’s important to seek help if you find yourself consistently ignoring other parts of your life to lay in bed. If you think your time in bed might be a sign of a bigger issue, complete a mental health screen and reach out to a medical professional. Otherwise, rot it up and enjoy the stink (metaphorically, of course).

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